In the case of Consumer Litigation, the user may use the following Alternative Dispute Resolution entities.
RAL Entities (Alternative Dispute Resolution Entities)
1. Center for Consumer Conflict Arbitration of Lisbon http://www.centroarbitragemlisboa.pt/;
2. Arbitration Center for Consumer Conflicts of Vale do Ave / Arbitral Tribunal http://www.triave.pt/;
3. CIAB - Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (Consumer Arbitration Court) http://www.ciab.pt;
4. CNIACC - National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts http://www.arbitragemdeconsumo.org/;
5. Center for Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts of the District of Coimbra http://www.centrodearbitragemdecoimbra.com;
6. Information Center, Mediation and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts of the Algarve http://www.consumoalgarve.pt;
7. Porto Consumption and Arbitration Information Center http://www.cicap.pt.
(tags: home decor, meditation incense, blankets and carpets)